Colorado Soil Health Program

The Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association is proud to partner with the Colorado Department of Agriculture to bring the STAR+ Program to acequia communities in southern Colorado. The STAR+ program incentivizes producers to experiment with new management practices to improve soil health on your farm or ranch. This flexible framework was developed by farmers
and ranchers for farmers and ranchers.

The program reduces risk to you by connecting your local conservation district or other eligible entities and providing you with financial resources, technical help, and other producers.
Your management practices are evaluated and assigned points resulting in a 1- to 5 STAR+ Rating.

A higher rating reflects a greater commitment to improving soil health, water quality, and availability through soil health principles.

The program is designed to incentivize producers to practice any of the five soil health principles:

1) Minimize soil disturbance

2) Soil Armor: Keep the soil covered

3) Keep living roots in the ground to feed the soil and soil biology

4) Plant Diversity: use cool and warm season grassed and broad leaf plants

5) Incorporate livestock with proper grazing management.

Each producer isenrolled for in the program for three-year period. Producers are eligible for reimbursement on a 1 to 1 basic for expenses they incur implementing a soil health practice.Farmers enrolled in STAR+ receive:

  • $75/acre (a minimum of $1,000 and maximum of
    $5,000) per year matching payment.

  • Technical assistance partner.

  • Receive two free soil tests (Years 1 and 3).

  • Soil moisture monitoring

  • Opportunities to attend field days to learn about
    soil health practices and research.

  • STAR+ Field Signs and marketing support.

  • The benefits of increased soil health like
    water retention, drought, and erosion resilience,
    decreased nutrient loss.

The SdCAA is currently enrolling interested producers. Contact Regan Velasquez at 253-219-8427 or at to learn more. Enrollment in this cycle is limited to 10, so reach out soon if you are interested.